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Expert level Sudoku

Expert Sudoku is a game for experienced Sudoku players with a very high level of difficulty. 

This hardest Sudoku puzzle is characterized by the fact that only a few numbers are shown in the Sudoku square, which consists of 9 small squares, where the cells are located 3x3. 

Sudoku Rules

The basic rule is that each digit can appear only once in each row, column, and small square. Complete all the numbers to win sudoku.

Pros of solving expert puzzles online has some features that will help you with expert level Sudoku. An option that is especially useful at the beginning of the game is the ability to select a hint. The correction function is also very useful, since due to the high level of complexity, it is necessary to make corrections more often.

You will soon become an expert in Sudoku practicing regular and you can easily and quickly cope even with the hardest Sudoku.

Sudoku Tips and Articles
4 More Personality Traits of Successful Sudoku Players
4 More Personality Traits of Successful Sudoku Players

Sudoku is one of the world’s most popular puzzle games, but even though it’s a game played by millions of people all over the world, there is a big difference in skill level between the most successful Sudoku players and average Sudoku players who enjoy the game just as a casual hobby.

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Who Has the Guinness World Record for Fastest Sudoku Player?
Who Has the Guinness World Record for Fastest Sudoku Player?

Do you think you’re good at solving Sudoku puzzles quickly? Even if you’re a Sudoku whiz, chances are you still aren’t quite as fast at solving Sudoku puzzles as the Guinness World Record holder. The best Sudoku players in the world are amazingly fast at working through the grid.

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