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Select a cell, then tap a number to fill in the cell
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Easy Sudoku for beginners

Easy Sudoku is characterized by the fact that cells contain more numbers than medium or hard ones. It makes this game suitable for beginners and those who have never played Sudoku before.

Sudoku is one of the most popular games to develop your intelligence. Supposedly, it was invented in 1970 by Dell's puzzler in New York, who published it in his journal “Mathematical Puzzles and Logical Problems”. The further development to web Sudoku was held in Japan, where the name of the game was invented. In 2004, Sudoku was first published in the “Times” as an online game.

Easy Sudoku puzzles not only bring pleasure, but also train concentration and attention. You will notice how quickly your ability to concentrate improves, if you play daily. It is especially useful to play easy web Sudoku on a regular basis for older people in order to maintain their mental abilities for many years.

If you have never played this game before, we recommend starting with free easy Sudoku by selecting the appropriate level on

How to play beginner Sudoku puzzles?

The goal of Sudoku is to fill the cells with numbers from 1 to 9. The numbers are placed in 9 squares, 3x3 each, thus, in each row, in each column and in each small square there are 9 cells. The same digit can be used only once in each separate column, each line and in each small square. The level of difficulty depends on how many digits are already indicated in the cells. If you open plenty of numbers - then you have very easy Sudoku.

The advantages of easy web Sudoku

The advantage of online games on is that the game is always available and you can use various useful features. You can receive hints, correct or delete the entered data, take notes and stop the time needed to solve the puzzle. If you need to interrupt the game, you can always press a pause button.


Sudoku Tips and Articles
3 Reasons to Play Sudoku Online Rather than on Paper TEST
3 Reasons to Play Sudoku Online Rather than on Paper TEST

Test Test Test 1

In the early days of the Sudoku craze, Sudoku used to be played with pen and paper. Commuters played Sudoku on newspapers on their laps, or in paper Sudoku books with dozens or hundreds of pages of puzzles. The reason for this legacy of pen and paper is because Sudoku used to be published in newspapers – in fact, the first number puzzles similar to modern Sudoku puzzles appeared in a French newspaper in 1895.


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3 Things Almost All Beginner Sudoku Players Get Wrong
3 Things Almost All Beginner Sudoku Players Get Wrong

Playing Sudoku for the first time can be an intimidating experience. It might seem overwhelming if you’re a beginner Sudoku player who’s trying to figure out the right way to place numbers on the grid and solve the puzzle. Learning how to play Sudoku presents a lot of unique challenges, but you will learn faster if you can avoid some of these common things that beginner Sudoku players get wrong.

Here are some of the common mistakes of beginner Sudoku players:

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